Age groups
Age categories
The child needs to communicate with their peers for a successful and harmonious development. Discovery offers four age groups: Nursery (3-4 years), Reception (4-5 years), Year 1 (5-6 years), and Year 2 (6-7 years).
Nursery (3-4 years)
The child's need for cognitive communication with adults begin to emerge at the age of 3-4; there is a transition to a new relationship with peers and the objective world. Knowledge of the world and awareness of self is realized through play. The child learns the rules of interaction with peers, learning to try and fail, to take the initiative and be inquisitive in the game. And the task of teachers is to create favorable conditions for natural immersion of the child in a bilingual environment.
Reception (4-5 years)
The child has a growing interest towards the world, the need for new knowledge and discoveries at the age of 4-5 years; the active phase contains the development of imagination, the importance of creativity and expression. Cognitive interest of the child is swallowed up not only in an entertaining game and an exciting conversation but also during organized classes in the world, language development, mathematics, and creativity. English and Russian programs overlap and complement each other.
Year 1 (5-6 years)
This is the age of active development of physical and cognitive abilities of the child, communication with peers and the desire for greater autonomy. In this period, it is important to give the child the ability to self-solving tasks and focus it on finding multiple solutions to one problem, to support the initiative and creativity, to learn to feel a sense of joy and pride from successful independent action.
Year 2 (6-7 years)
The senior preschool age is a period of intellectual, psychological and physical fitness to the next, a completely new phase in a child's life — school. The ability to interact with peers and adults by this age have already been mastered, and the children are ready to accept new rules, change activity and to the new requirements. It is important to organize the gradual involvement of the child in the educational life through the system of a variety of classes: classes for language arts and literacy, mathematics, knowledge and understanding of the surrounding world, creative and sporting activities.